E-Sign -
Your solution for digital signatures

Legally secure signing is also possible online: with the qualified electronic signature at E-Sign, exclusively for personnel service providers, groups and large companies.

Available as a seamless integration into our MAVES software or as a stand-alone product.

Sign securely and digitally with E-Sign now!

Tablet und Smartphone E-Sign
An important building block on the path to digitalization!
Intuitive and secure signing is possible online thanks to E-Sign.

Learn more about E-Sign

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Advantages of E-Sign
at a glance


Signed with one click


Encrypted transmission


No extra costs abroad


Environmentally friendly and paperless


Through mobile app & TAN procedure

100% Digital

Accessible anywhere on any device thanks to the cloud


Recognized by the Federal Network Agency


According to e-IDAS standard

Saving resources

Up to 70% more economical

Safety first - how E-Sign is secured

The trust service provider with which EMS GmbH works is A-Trust. A connection to Swisscom or the Bundesdruckerei is also possible on request. Hash values are used to encrypt and tamper-proof the data.

All software development at EMS GmbH is certified in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard. Accordingly, it only uses encryption mechanisms recommended by the German Federal Office for Security and Information Technology (BSI).

Find out more about e-sign and the qualified electronic signature in our white paper

Grafik Whitepaper Die qualifizierte elektronische Signatur

Questions and answers

What is an external workforce software?

Workforce management software supports HR departments in the procurement and management of external personnel. As a personnel software, it optimally maps all individual workflows of your personnel work.

For whom is MAVES suitable?

For small businesses, medium businesses, large businesses, freelancers and staffing companies.

How does MAVES simplify my HR tasks?

As HR software, MAVES combines many functions that simplify and digitalize your HR processes:

Digital personnel file

  • Personnel deployment planning
  • Human Resources
  • Human Resources Management
  • Process monitoring
  • Legal matters (equal pay, takeovers, etc.)
  • Compliance
  • Personal activity list for open to-do’s
  • Talent Management
  • What can I not sign electronically?

    One-sides legal transactions, such as a termination of employment, or notarized certifications cannot be signed electronically.

    How is a qualified electronic signature created?

    Software solutions such as our E-Sign create individual qualified electronic signatures.

    Where is the qualified electronic signature regulated by law?

    The legal basis of the qualified electronic signature is regulated in Article 25 of the eIDAS Regulation.

    Leading companies
    already sign digitally with E-Sign.

    When do you start?

    By complying with ISO standards, E-Sign meets the highest security standards.
    The security of sensitive documents is guaranteed at all times.

    Do you have any questions?
    We are happy to answer.

    Fabian Koch

    Team Manager Application Services


    Experts Managed Services
    Marienberg Str. 94
    90411 Nuremberg

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